The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning
除了已经知道的信息以外没有太多新鲜内容,王显然极端聪明,但是他给不了答案,对个人主义化的中国王只能下论断,这些论断为 CCP 高层提供了反西方文化的理论武器。并且他很可能是对的,现阶段的中国人需要一个集权政府实践,我相信目前的 CCP 最高层一定是对“普遍中国人”有极深理解, which is the only way to sustain the authority’s continuity.
许多盲目反对 CCP 的人不愿意在公众前面对这样的事实:来自 CCP 的行政(executive)权力是中国能维持有制度运行的唯一保障。这种集权的优缺点都很明显,尤其在王的思想支持下,它可以藉由牢牢把持通往路线终点唯一解释权而继续在革命后维护自己的合理性。有且仅有延续千年混杂着儒家传统和马克思主义的中国有可能提供资本主义发展下自由主义种种问题的另一个答案。只是当有人凭借这种合理性垄断了自由的时候,他本身就值得质疑/被打倒了。
问题不是要不要取消 CCP,问题是假如不是 CCP 那还应该是什么样的政党、什么样的思想跟中国人一同前进?
Wang’s timing couldn’t have been more auspicious. Only months after his return, China’s own emerging contradictions exploded into view in the form of student protests in Tiananmen Square. After PLA tanks crushed the dreams of liberal democracy sprouting in China, CCP leadership began searching desperately for a new political model on which to secure the regime. They soon turned to Wang Huning.
When Wang won national acclaim by leading a university debate team to victory in an international competition in Singapore in 1993, he caught the attention of Jiang Zemin, who had become party leader after Tiananmen. Wang, having defeated National Taiwan University by arguing that human nature is inherently evil, foreshadowed that, “While Western modern civilization can bring material prosperity, it doesn’t necessarily lead to improvement in character.” Jiang plucked him from the university and, at the age of 40, he was granted a leadership position in the CCP’s secretive Central Policy Research Office, putting him on an inside track into the highest echelons of power.
[1] The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning: